Geriatric Care Management

As loved ones age, living arrangements among families can quickly become complicated and stressful. Many families do not have the resources, time or knowledge to accommodate the needs of their aging loved ones, while others do not have family or friends to rely on. For some, everyday tasks become more difficult, or even impossible, while others may find it difficult to remember things and organize their day. Helping Hearts Foundation provides geriatric care management in Northern California for individuals and families struggling with the effects of aging. We work to reduce the stress and difficulties of aging by providing independent housing options and living assistance that caters to each person’s needs. As needs change, Helping Hearts is there to find additional arrangements and make sure aging family members and individuals have the things they need to be happy and healthy. Our care professionals and staff treat everyone with respect and kindness, and help each member of our care network enjoy the maximum amount of independence. Quality of living includes physical, mental and emotional satisfaction are our top priorities, and we work with a wide array of health care providers and social services to ensure each member of the Helping Hearts family has their needs met.

Geriatric Care Management Sacramento County, Sutter County, El Dorado County, Placer County, Yolo County & San Joaquin County.

Adjusting Care to Your (or Your Loved Ones) Needs

Geriatric-Care-Management-300x211 Geriatric Care ManagementWhat you or your loved ones need today can change tomorrow or many months from now. Managing the complex care and support needs that occur in old age is a formidable task that many professionals receive training to properly conduct. Though family members and friends provide essential love and support, the physical needs of their loved ones can quickly become too much for them. This also puts a strain on vital relationships, and makes visits that were once loving, relaxing and enjoyable now stressful. Geriatric care can help alleviate these concerns, and provide you or your loved ones with quality, compassionate care that is specialized for the needs of aging persons. Helping Hearts’ care providers are trained and certified to accommodate the needs brought on by the effects of aging, and maintain a safe, comfortable environment for those living with any condition. As trained professionals, our in-home assistants and healthcare communities understand the needs of aging persons and use professionalism and kindness to assist with any task.

We offer several different types of Geriatric Management, including:

  • Minimal At-Home Assistance: help maintaining their home, cooking meals or shopping.
  • In-Home Assistance: an ideal option for those wishing to age at home.
  • Regular, More Frequent Care: help getting around the house, dressing or bathing, in addition to housekeeping, cooking and other activities.

For those that live home alone, the risks of falling or other emergencies can make even everyday tasks difficult and frightening. Living alone can also quickly become lonely, especially for those that live in remote areas and cannot drive. The stress and complexities of medical claims, insurance forms and financial management can also become overly cumbersome. Helping Hearts can assist in fulfilling all of these needs, and in making enjoyable, stress-free living arrangements. With extra help in managing your home and finances, you can take more time to focus on the thing that matter; your health and your family.

What Else Does Helping Hearts Provide in these Situations?

In addition to at-home geriatric care services, Helping Hearts is connected with a long list of live-in communities made for the needs of senior citizens. Independent living communities and assisted care communities can provide around-the-clock support for senior citizens, and help with basic and complex needs. These locations also include social activities and companionship that may not be available when living at home. For those struggling with advanced illnesses or complicated, chronic conditions, assisted living communities can help reduce pain and provide higher quality of living. With apartments, rooms and buildings made to accommodate disabilities and limited mobility, residents can get around freely and easily. Residents can enjoy beautiful surroundings, and clean, comfortable living environments without the effort and risks of keeping up a home. With chores, finances and others tasks taken care of, residents can spend more time with visiting family members and friends again, without worries, strain and stress getting in the way.

There are many factors and considerations that shape your decisions regarding geriatric care. If you are spending more time keeping up your home and cooking meals than enjoying life, getting extra assistance in your home or moving to a care community can give you more free time. If you are having trouble managing medications or treatments for illnesses or conditions, professional care can help manage pain and discomfort. If you are worried about inconveniencing loved ones or your relationships have become strained, you may consider additional assistance as a way to relieve tension and maintain independence. Helping Hearts is happy to provide you and your family with more information regarding our Northern California geriatric care managements, Sacramento housing and the many options available. Give us a call today to learn more.